Sunday 15th October 2023: litterpicking and working on Adel Pond with David Preston

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

A pleasant morning and a good turn out of twelve volunteers.

Five of our volunteers chose to litterpick – including two from Litter Free Leeds! Between them they picked up about four bags of rubbish.

The rest of us helped David Preston, our local ranger, to dredge Adel Pond (also known as Mill Fall pond). This pond is man-made and was dug to supply water to a flax mill that once operated here. The pond fell into disuse and silted up until about thirty years ago when Steve Joul led a team of volunteers in digging it out again. It is now a wonderful habitat for frogs and newts and all sorts of aquatic insects.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

Dredging the pond has been an annual task for Friends of Adel Woods every Autumn since (and including) 2009. The first thing we have to do every year is clear out the many large logs and rocks which somehow find their way into the pond. Many are concealed under the water and a bit of a tripping hazard. Fortunately, there was only one minor mishap today!

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

Once the logs and rocks have been removed, it is a question of digging up silt and putting it into buckets to transport away. Today we had four diggers in the pond, and one principal barrowman.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

The pond is fed on the north side by a single ditch bringing in a stream of water throughout the year. Unfortunately, the stream also brings in lots of mud and clay as can be seen in the photos.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

It is important, therefore, to clear as much mud and leaves from the ditch as possible and three volunteers focused on this task.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

Each year we find in the mud where the stream enters the pond many broken fragments of china. Presumably these are the remains of cups, saucers, jugs and plates thrown into the pond by day trippers when Verity’s Cafe, which used to stand nearby, was in it’s heyday. Or perhaps they were thrown in when Verity’s closed down. This year, one item seemed to be a complete vase but unfortunately it shattered into many fragments as yours truly lifted it out of the mud.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

At noon, we ceased work to wash down the equipment before heading home for a shower and a nice Sunday lunch.

Friends of Adel Woods washing down equipment after working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023
Friends of Adel Woods washing down equipment after working on Adel Pond on the 15th October 2023

Friends of Adel Woods were formed in 2009 to help maintain Adel Woods and encourage people to enjoy them. We meet one morning a month to carry out various jobs, and we also put on educational events.

If you would like to take part in our activities or be added to our mailing list, please get in touch by leaving a comment on our website. Our next event is on Saturday the 4th November when we will be litterpicking and working on Adel Bog with David Preston.

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