Monthly Archives: March 2023

Saturday, 25th March 2023: litterpicking and clearing the ditches to Adel Pond

A fine Spring morning and six Friends of Adel Woods met on Buckstone Road at 10 am to pick up litter and clear the ditches which feed water to Adel Pond (also known as Mill Fall Pond). Two more Friends joined us at the pond a little later.

As you can see, it was a fine Spring morning at 10.15 am as four of us set off up Buckstone Road to pick up litter on the path through the copse to Tescos, on the recreation ground, and along Crag Lane.

Friends of Adel Woods litterpicking; Adel Woods
Our fantastic litter pickers

Two of us set off down to Adel Pond laden with spades, saws, loppers and mattocks. The pond was looking beautiful in the sunlight – but no frogspawn yet.

Adel Pond; Adel Woods on 25th March 2023

Having appraised the work we needed to do, we started off with a ditch about 10 metres to the north of the pond. As you can see in the photos below, a section of this ditch was completely filled in. Interestingly though, as soon as we started digging, we found that water was flowing swiftly under the surface. By the time we had finished, water was pouring very swiftly through the ditch.

Friends of Adel Woods ditch clearing at Mill Fall Pond or Adel Pond on 25th March 2023

We then started on the main ditch feeding the pond. This was relatively clear, but still full of mud, sticks and leaves. Fortunately, as we started on this ditch two more Friends joined us and together we were able to make a good job of clearing the stretch nearest the pond.

Friends of Adel Woods clearing ditches in Adel Woods on 25th March 2023

As we were working, one of our Friends, Sylvia, spotted a newt among the leaves we had just pulled out of the ditch. Geoff was despatched to relocate it to the pond. This was a task Geoff had to repeat another five times as we found more newts among the leaves!

Friends of Adel Woods find a newt in Adel Woods
A newt in Adel Woods

Towards the end of the morning one of our party decided to work on a stretch of ditch further away from the pond – and was surprised to find that his spade kept going down through the mud until only the handle could be seen. Fortunately, he had not stepped into that particular patch of mud!

Friends of Adel Woods clearing ditches in Adel Woods on 25th March 2023
A very deep boggy area in one of the ditches leading to Adel Pond

Towards 12 noon, Diana, another Friend of Adel Woods came to see usfor a chat and to offer encouragement.

Friends of Adel Woods, Adel Pond, 25th March 2023
Adel Pond on 25th March 2023

Yet another lovely morning of friendship, learning and achievement.

18th March 2023: litterpicking around the Stairfoot Lane Car Park and Adel Crag

The original intention this morning was toclear the ditches feeding Adel Pond, and litterpick around the cricket club, and Crag Lane. However, yours truly and his better half have had covid this week, so plans had to be modified.

Judith, our ever resourceful treasurer, stepped into the breach and led a successful litterpicking team of five litter pickers, focusing on Stairfoot Lane carpark, Adel Crag and the area around the picnic tables.

They found plenty to keep them busy – mainly doggy doo doo bags and glass bottles.

So thank you to all who picked up litter today!

Since David Preston and his team of Meanwood Valley Volunteer Rangers cleared a lot of the scrub around Adel Crag, it is looking a lot better.