Monthly Archives: April 2020

Saturday, 25th April 2020: colony of Green Hairstreak butterflies found on Adel Moor

Green Hairstreak Butterfly photographed on Adel Moor, Leeds on 25 April 2020
Green Hairstreak Butterfly: Adel Moor, Leeds: 25 April 2020. The butterfly was released after having its picture taken!

Local nature enthusiasts, Lisa and Andy and family, were out today doing their permitted exercise, and looking for the common heath moth on Adel Moor, but were excited to find instead a colony of Green Hairstreak butterflies (callophrys rubi).  

This butterfly is found throughout the UK but in the Leeds area, it is notorious for being found only on the Otley Chevin.  This is in fact the first report of this species outside the Chevin in the Leeds area – so this is a pretty special find which Lisa and Andy have reported to the local recorders of the Butterfly Conservation Trust.  .

Green Hairstreak Butterfly photographed on Adel Moor, Leeds on 25 April 2020
Green Hairstreak Butterfly: Adel Moor, Leeds: 25 April 2020.

The caterpillars like to live on bilberry, gorse and heather, and so the habitat on Adel Moor ought to be just what they like: it is very similar to the habitat on the Chevin.

The Green Hairstreak has a very short fly period – from April to May.  When not in flight, it holds its wings closed showing only the green underside with its faint white streak.  The white streak is variable: sometimes it may be reduced to a few dots and may be almost absent.  

The males and females are very similar and are most readily told apart by their behaviour: rival males may be seen in a spiral flight close to shrubs, while the females are more often encountered while laying eggs.

Oh, by the way, Lisa and Andy mentioned that they have seen the tail end of a couple of very fast moving lizards in the same spot over the last few weeks!

This is a photo of a Green Hairstreak taken by Steve Joul on Otley Chevin.

Green Hairstreak Butterfly photographed on Otley Chevin by Steve Joul
Green Hairstreak Butterfly on Otley Chevin. Photograph taken by Steve Joul

Tuesday, 21 April 2020: newts in Adel Pond

Newt; Adel Pond; 21 April 2020
Newt in Adel Pond: 21 April 2020

One of our younger Friends, Sophie, spotted this newt in Adel Pond. She and her Dad saw lots – about eight in an area two metres by two metres.

There are three native species of newt in the UK: smooth or common newt; palmate newt; and great crested newt. The newts spotted by Chloe and her Dad were either smooth newts or palmate newts.

Newts spend much of the year on dry land and only take to the water for the breeding period in the Spring and staying there till the Summer. In the rest of the year they can often be found under stones in the garden. A few years ago, I dismantled a wall in our garden and found a bundle of about twenty newts all huddled up in a ball.

Friends of Adel Woods dredge silt from Adel Pond each Autumn and we had successful “newt safaris” with Steve Joul in May 2012 and May 2013 – you can find reports in our blog.

Adel Pond 26/05/17
Adel Pond: 26 May 2017