Monthly Archives: November 2009

Tuesday 17 November 2009: Fly Agaric

Tom Swire went through the woods and found amazing toadstools which looked like spoof items of confectionary from a bakery.

The toadstool is Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) which despite its attractive appearance is poisonous.

Sunday 15 November 2009: Clearing the pond and the Slabbering Baby

Clearing the Reed Sweet Grass

Steve Joul led an intrepid team of volunteers in clearing Reed Sweet Grass from the pond.  Reed Sweet Grass is an introduced species which is extremely vigorous and taking over the pond.  We cleared about a third of the pond – it is important not to remove too much so as to cause minimum disturbance to the small animals in the pond.

While Steve and his team were in the pond, another group of us were clearing vegetation from the Slabbering Baby.

Tom poses by the newly cleaned Slabbering Baby – a water fountain.

Afterwards a binbag or rubbish (cans, bottles and crisp bags) were picked up and disposed of.

Sunday 8 November 2009: Nature walk with Steve Joul

Steve investigates a fungus.

Steve Joul, a senior ranger with Leeds City Council Parks and Countryside Department, led an excited and happy group of 53 (yes, FIFTY THREE) people round the woods on a fascinating exploration of the local fungi!  Such was the group’s enthusiasm to hunt down specimens and bring them to Steve’s attention, that your humble reporter feared that we might not reach further than 200 yards from the starting point.

Steve also astonished listeners with his amazing knowledge not only of the English names, but also of the latin scientific names of the species we encountered. (This was not bluff – your humble reporter had a sheet with the latin names on it and was able to check them out!)

In the above picture we can see Steve and fellow students of mycology (posh name for the study of fungi) examining fungi on a birch tree.  There is a prize of a BTCV bag for the first person who can tell me the correct name of the species!

As Pliny the Elder might have said:  “acta est fabula. plaudite!”

Sunday 8 November 2009: The Four Musketeers

Four happy Friends, the morning after the night before.  Last night it was Old Leo’s Rugby Club’s Fireworks Party and a group of us gathered for an hour to collect litter from the field and surrounding woods.

We wanted the woods to look their best for this afternoon’s nature walk – see the next post!