Monthly Archives: March 2010

Sunday 28 March 2010: Dry stone walling

Yet again the FOAW weather fairy waved her magic wand and blessed us with an absolutely glorious day.  In all six of us, including Steve Joul, worked from 10 till 4.30 clearing and improving a stretch of dry stone wall on Crag Lane.

Sunday 28 March 2010: Run rabbit, run!

As Steve and I made our way back to the Stairfoot Lane car park at the end of the afternoon, we spotted a pet rabbit near the car park entrance. He or she was clearly on their own and lost or abandoned.  We put down our wheelbarrows and

gave chase.  The rabbit leapt through your reporter’s hands before hiding under a van.  Eventually six or more members of the public joined in, coaxing the rabbit with dog biscuits, calling to it seductively, and finally scrambling through thickets of brambles before the rabbit was caught and settled peacefully in the arms of its captor to enjoy a gentle stroke and tickle.

The rabbit is now being fostered by a new family.

Sunday 21 March 2010: Clearing up the Hospice Woodland





I don’t know what it is, but we always seem to get good weather for our events, and it was a beautiful morning today.  Nine of us spent 2 hours clearing brambles off the saplings which were overgrown by brambles.  In addition we picked up three bags of litter along Crag Lane.

We also got some suitable birch logs for our Christmas decoration event in December.

So a good day was had by all!

Monday 8 March 2010: Another glorious day.

A fabulous spring day, and in the afternoon a walk out to the Leeds Hospices Woodland to see what work needs doing there.  I met up with Steve Joul.  The woodland is doing fine:  nature isn’t tidy!  But some of the young trees are covered in brambles which could be removed and some branches encroaching onto paths could be removed.

Agreed that at our next event (21 March) we will tidy up the hospice woodland in this way and clear paths of encroaching branches elsewhere in the woods.