Monthly Archives: March 2020

Sunday, 15th March 2020: litterpicking and lumberjacking

Friends of Adel Woods, the Meanwood Valley Trail
Clearing the Meanwood Valley Trail

In these days of corona virus frenzy, your correspondent was not sure if anyone would turn up today, but we had a healthy group of nine of us.

friends of adel woods   the meanwood valley trail
The Meanwood Valley Trail – after (from the opposite direction)

Four of us litter picked and picked up seven or eight bags of rubbish, while the rest of us went down to the Meanwood Valley Trail, just south of the cricket pitches, to clear away two birch trees which had fallen across the footpaths, and to cut back holly.

Friends of Adel Woods:  path off the Meanwood Valley Trail
Clearing a path off the Meanwood Valley Trail

We have had so much rain in recent months that the Meanwood Valley Trail was in many places a 15cm deep quagmire. However, the weather was fine and we had a lovely morning of teamwork, conversation, birdsong and even some sunshine at times!

Friends of Adel Woods 15th March 2020
A happy band of workers