Monthly Archives: August 2018

Saturday, 18th August 2018: Adel Moor and litter picking

18-08-18-P1100669This morning we met in Buckstone Road at the Slabbering Baby entrance to the woods. A fine day, though our Mediterranean summer seems to have come to an end.

Three of us went off litter picking.

Seven of us made our way to Adel Moor and continued our program of clearing bracken. We have already made a big difference and the heather looked magnificent this morning.

Your correspondent’s conclusion, based on several mornings of bracken clearing is that the best approach to pull the bracken up rather than bashing it.

18-08-18 adel moor

Some of us cleared odd bracken plants which are persisting in the middle of the heather. Others of us focused on clearing new areas of bracken. It was very pleasing to find heather and bilberry plants in the midst of the bracken and to find tiny heather seedlings as the heather begins to regenerate in the cleared areas.