Monthly Archives: October 2012

Monday 15 October 2012: Addendum

Your correspondent had a walk through the woods this afternoon and is pleased to report that on Saturday the Path Clearing team did a wonderful job clearing the path by the Seven Arches and doing further work at Adel Bog.

Generally, it was good to see that path widening work we did on Crag Lane earlier this year has held up really well.  On the other hand, there are weeds a foot high on the path we cleared at the Slabbering Baby entrance.  If you walk down that path, walk on the weeds please!

Saturday 13 October 2012: Better and better every day in every way!

A beautiful if cold morning.  Despite the nippy start, a good turnout of fifteen Friends, all in good humour, met in the Stairfoot Lane carpark.

We had a group of litterpickers, a group of path clearers, and a chain gang adding five new steps to the top of the steps from the stream.

Your correspondent was embedded with the chain gang, helping Ade to load wheelbarrows with the remains of our pile of crushed sandstone in the carpark and to take them down to the steps.  Hence all of the photographs today are of this aspect of our work.

Five new steps were artistically sculpted into the hillside under the expert guidance of Steve Joul.  Of course not everyone took it so seriously!

You couldn’t make it up!

“Aren’t they good!”








At about noon our intrepid team of path clearers arrived having cleared branches from paths as far afield as the Seven Arches and Adel Bog.  They were desperate to try out the new steps.




We finished at about about 12.30pm, in good spirits.

Thank you to everyone who took part today. You have changed history!

Trying out the new steps! History is made.