Monthly Archives: September 2017

Saturday, 30 September 2017: the path less travelled


Another fine day in the woods. A good turn out of about a dozen Friends.  Three of us went litter picking while the rest of us went path clearing.

It was our first path clearing session for some time because the committee decided that this year we would focus on bashing and pulling bracken on the moor.

17-09-30-P1090770The path clearers made their way along Crag Lane from the Rugby Club to Stairfoot Lane car park.  We then worked on the path up to the hospice woodland, chatted to someone chilling out to dance music in a clearing, and finally cleared the path leading into the wood from Stairfoot Lane.  The stone monument marking the entrance to the wood was overgrown and we cleared it and the first twenty to thirty yards of the path.


We are looking forward to seeing the daffodils coming up around the monument and along the  side of the path in only three or four months.

In the meantime, the litter pickers did a fantastic job, clearing bagfuls of rubbish.
