Monthly Archives: August 2012

Saturday 18 August 2012: Litter picking and moor clearance

A lovely surprise this morning when Win came to offer us some encouragement at this morning’s task.  Win fractured her humerus when she fell at our last event, but the good news is that it is healing well and she will be starting physiotherapy in a week or so’s time.

The Three Graces

We carried out two tasks this morning.  Chris, Carol and Beth litter picked, while the rest of us dug up saplings on the moor.  It was a beautiful morning, though very muggy.

The sapling force focused on a section in the middle of the moor and probably removed at least a hundred birch’s and oaks between us.

The moor is looking really good at the moment.  The heather is in full bloom and looks fabulous, and the good news is that there are lots of young heather plants coming through too.  There are also lots of bilberry plants – some still in flower (which seems quite late).

The account of the morning’s activities would not be complete without mentioning Hector and Chance who kept us entertained with their morning long struggle for possession of Hector’s tennis ball!

Tired and happy