Monthly Archives: March 2014

21 March 2014: Daffodils at the Hospice Woodland


A view of the daffodils, which FOAW uncovered from brambles and other plants in February,  at the entrance to the Hospice Woodland.

As in all our photos, click on the photo for a better view.

Sunday, 9 March 2014: A beautiful Spring day

Seven of us met this beautiful Spring morning.

Daffodils before...

Daffodils before…

The first jobs were to litterpick and to carry out further work on the hospice woodland – clearing the path through the wood and freeing some of the trees which are being smothered by brambles.

...daffodils after

…daffodils after

It seems that when the trees were planted, groups of daffodils were also planted around some of them.  However, over the years they have become concealed by the brambles and so we spent a few minutes bringing them back into the light.

Daffodils at the entrance to the hospice wood

Daffodils at the entrance to the hospice wood

At our last event, we cleared brambles around the daffodils at the entrance to the hospice wood.  These can now be seen in all their glory, though they are still only on the cusp of flowering.  In a week’s time they will look wonderful.

At 11.15 some of us left Steph and Brian to continue with their vocation of liberating the woodland trees from brambles while three of us made our way down to the Buck Stone, pausing en route to cut back holly on the path down to the rugby club.

The Buck Stone before...

The Buck Stone before…

By the time we reached the Buck Stone, we only had about quarter of an hour left to work, but fortunately the Buck Stone was surprisingly clear and it looks as if last year’s bracken bashing may have been successful.

...the Buck Stone after

…the Buck Stone after

We cut down some branches which were concealing the view of the Buck Stone, and cleared brambles from a clump of snow drops and then spent twenty minutes on the main task – cutting back the shoots from the oak tree at the left hand (eastern) end of the Buck Stone and clearing the abundant brambles around it.

Whilst at the Buck Stone, your correspondent heard his first chiffchaff of the year and saw his first butterfly of the year too – probably a peacock as a peacock butterfly was flitting round his driveway when he got home.

Thank you again to everyone who took part.