Monthly Archives: February 2022

Saturday, 19th February 2020: path clearing and litterpicking

Friends of Adel Woods,  19th February 2022
Friends of Adel Woods, 19th February 2022

With dire warnings about Storm Eunice, one of the most powerful storms to hit the UK since the Great Storm of 1987, we were not sure what the weather would be like this morning – and if any one would turn up for this morning’s work party! However, it was a fine, calm morning in Adel and Alwoodley, and we had an amazing turn out of fourteen people and three dogs!

We split into two groups, one group litterpicking, and the other path clearing. The path clearers, under the guidance of Rob, set off to the picnic area and made their way down the Meanwood Valley Trail, cutting back holly and other vegetation intruding onto the paths.

The litter pickers set off in pairs in different directions through the woods and gathered many bags of rubbish. One litter picker – ie me – had time to enjoy the sights of nature, including these snowdrops on Buckstone Road.

Snowdrops on Buckstone Road, Leeds

Storm Eunice, and Storm Dudley earlier in the week, had blown over a few trees in Adel Woods, including this large one in Buckstone Road.

At about 11.30 it started to rain quite hard, but we soldiered on till 12.

Friends of Adel Woods: wet but unbowed.

Later on the weather turned a little cooler and we had heavy snowfall over lunchtime.

Friends of Adel Woods; King Lane, Alwoodley; 19th February 2022
King Lane, Alwoodley, at 2.15 pm on the 19th February

Another amazing day in Adel Woods!