Monthly Archives: July 2022

Sunday, 24th July 2022: Adel Moor and litterpicking

Adel Moor, Friends of Adel Woods, 24th July 2022
Adel Moor: 24th July 2022

Our agenda today was litterpicking through the woods, and removing bracken, brambles and saplings from Adel Moor. As can be seen from the photos we were blessed with lovely weather.

Two of us chose to litterpick and gathered about three bags of rubbish during the morning.

Litterpicking; Friends of Adel Woods
Our intrepid litterpickers!

The rest of us, eight in all, spent a warm morning working on the moor, focusing mainly on pulling up bracken. If you are wondering why we do this, it is because bracken is extremely prolific and eventually smothers and kills off all other plants. In the photo below, you can clearly see, just beyond our Friends, the dividing line between the heather (which we are trying to encourage) and the lighter green bracken.

bracken bashing on ; Friends of Adel Woods; 24th July 2022

Adel Moor is special as the last remaining piece of heathland in Leeds and it is also host to a population of common lizards, though we didn’t see any today.

In the last three Springs, green hairstreak butterflies have been found on the moor. They are not a rare species nationally but until 2020 they were only found in the Leeds area on Otley Chevin.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Moor, Leeds on the 24th July 2022

Fortunately, bracken is usually pretty easy to pull up, though the main part of the root is left in the ground and it takes several years of “bracken bashing” to kill bracken off.

It was heartening to find plenty of heather still hanging on beneath the fronds of bracken.

Two piles of bracken and four of our bracken bashers.

At the end of the morning’s work, the bracken is carried into the surrounding woodland for composting

Friends of Adel Woods bashing bracken on Adel Moor, Leeds o n24th July 2022
At the end of the morning’s work, the bracken is carried into the surrounding woodland for composting.
Friends of Adel Woods on Adel Moor on the 24th July 2022
Time for lunch!