Monthly Archives: December 2011

Sunday 18 December 2011: Christmas decorations

An artistic picture

This afternoon Steve Joulled a happy group of Friends in making Christmas Garlands and Yule Logs.  As can be seen from the picture, the end results were stunning – though this particular reveller seems to have got carried away by her enthusiasm!

“Calm down dear! It’s only a Christmas garland!”

Sunday 11 December 2011: Nest box survey

On a rainy and overcast morning, ten friends helped Steve Joul to survey the bird boxes put up by FOAW in January 2010.  We split into two groups – one, with the ladder and Steve, to survey the boxes aloft, the other to find and survey the robin boxes.

Steve’s team won by 13 to nil.  In other words, thirteen of the fifteen boxes they surveyed contained nests.  Of the other two, one had not been used, and the other had been used but contained only droppings.

The robin team could only find three of the four robin boxes:  despite extensive and intensive searching box no 6 remained elusive – but there again we were not able to find it in November/December 2010!  Disappointingly, the three we did find showed no evidence of use, save that two contained wood chippings and it was clear that the chippings in one came from the inside of the entrance of the box.  Very mysterious!

The robin team took the opportunity to pick up two bin liners of rubbish – despite a lack of litter pickers – because a member of the committee who shall remain nameless had them ;-\