Monthly Archives: September 2022

Sunday, 18th September 2022: litterpicking and working on Adel Bog

Today one of our team picked litter. The rest of us worked on Adel Bog with David Preston, our local ranger from Leeds City Council.

Working on Adel Bog is a favourite task with Friends of Adel Woods. Located in the heart of Adel Woods, near Adel Pond, it is a very peaceful place to work.

It is home to various plants that like wet conditions – such as rushes, Devil’s Bit Scabious, and Bog Asphodel – but it is gradually drying out, partly due to the surrounding trees and the seeding of trees within the bog, and this year partly because of the dry summer.

Ten years ago, the boundary between the bog and the trees to the left of the photograph below was about 15-20 feet further back. Many saplings have taken root and without urgent action the bog will have a short future. Maps show that 150 years ago, the bog extended all the way to the pond, about 75 yards away. Now, the area between the pond and the bog is woodland.

Friends of Adel Woods: Adel Bog, 18th September 2022
Clearing saplings, bracken and brambles

A further problem is that, as the bog has dried out, more people have started to walk across it, creating paths and trampling the flora. A well-worn path can be seen in the foreground of the photo below.

Friends of Adel Woods, Adel Bog, 18th September 2022
Starting the process of “dead hedging”.

Our task today was threefold:

  • to block off paths leading into the bog
  • to remove saplings, bracken and brambles within the bog
  • to cut back tree branches overhanging the bog

We blocked off the main path leading into the bog with a process called “dead hedging”. This involves using branches, uprooted saplings and any other vegetation, to construct a fence or hedge.

 Friends of Adel Woods constructing dead hedging on Adel Bog
Preparing a stake for dead hedging

While David led the construction of the dead hedge, the rest of us provided materials by pulling up saplings with “tree poppers” (wonderful tools which can pull up a small sapling in a matter of seconds), clearing brambles, and cutting back branches on the trees around the edge of the bog.

Friends of Adel Woods using a tree popper on Adel Bog
Using a “tree popper” to uproot saplings
A dead hedge in Adel Woods, Friends of Adel Woods
The completed “dead hedge”
Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Bog
David and today’s volunteers
Friends of Adel Woods: Adel Bog. 18th September 2022
Adel Bog: Sunday 18th September 2022