Monthly Archives: June 2022

Saturday, 18th June 2022: litterpicking and path clearing – and an unexpected encounter!

It has been a beautiful week weatherwise, with soaring temperatures yesterday. Still a nice day today, but fortunately a lot cooler at 10 am this morning.

Twelve Friends today: four of us to pick up litter and eight of us clearing paths.

Having furnished the litter pickers with equipment and bags, the path clearers set off with the ultimate aim of widening the path that runs South across the meadow between the picnic area and the Meanwood Valley Trail.

First, though, we made our way to the path heading north off Crag Lane from the back of Old Leo’s clubhouse. The entrance to this path had become much narrower due to encroaching grass, nettles, brambles and other plants, and so we widened the entrance and trimmed back the more prominent holly further up the path. We also removed a large fallen branch from the path.

From there we made our way back to Crag Lane, heading in the direction of the picnic area. However, we had only gone a few yards when one of our Friends made the amazing discovery of a mole snuffling around in the foliage at the edge of the path.

mole in the open, Adel Woods, Leeds. 18th June 2022
A mole wandering about on Crag Lane

We all stopped work to have a look at him or her. It was the first time your correspondent had ever seen a mole – and probably the first time any of us had! We didn’t touch the mole but watched it wander around. It seemed completely unaware of our presence, but also seemed not to know where it was going. We speculated that it had lost its way and could not make its way back underground because the ground was so hard. One of us poured out some water for it and it immediately lapped it up. We were worried for its safety as we could hear dogs nearby, but fortunately it made its way into the undergrowth and we left it to its own devices. What an exciting start to the day!

As we made our way along Crag Lane, we cut back foliage which was encroaching most onto the path.

Once we reached the picnic area, we took the path down to the Meanwood Valley Trail which had become very narrow. But first, two of us made a detour to ensure that the drainage pipe under the path just beyond the picnic area was clear. We dug out the mud from the entrance and exit ditches, and cleared the mud from the pipe.

clearing a drainage pipe on Crag Lane, Ade Woods, Leeds 18th June 2022
Clearing the drainage pipe near the picnic area

By now, the sun was out and it was hot work clearing the path. One or two of our Friends were extremely pink in the face! However, we made good progress before finishing at 12 noon.

  Friends of Adel Woods, Path clearing, Adel Woods 18th June 2022
Widening the path from the picnic area down to the Meanwood Valley Trail

Having finished work, some of us went to have a look at the orchids in the orchid meadow (otherwise known as the cricket meadow).

Friends of Adel Woods path clearing in Adel Woods, Leeds 18th June 2022
Friends of Adel Woods in full colour after a very enjoyable morning

The meadow was an absolute picture, full of buttercups and orchids, clover and all sorts of grasses and other wild plants.

Heath spotted orchid in Adel Woods, Leeds, 18th June 2022
Common spotted orchids, buttercups and clover in the orchid meadow, Adel Woods

We first discovered this meadow in 2014. At that time it contained a large number of common spotted orchids but it was in a poor state: trees and Himalayan Balsam were beginning to take over. We began work on the meadow under the supervision of Steve Joul in 2016 and it has been transformed into a wonderful haven for wild flowers and insects. We have removed the trees and most of the Himalayan Balsam, and Steve has mown the meadow each Autumn for the last three years. Our new ranger, David Preston, is planning to mow the meadow again this Autumn.

You can see what the meadow looked like in 2016 here.

Thank you to all the Friends who joined us today. The litter pickers picked up about three bags of litter.

The orchid meadow, 18 June 2022. Adel Woods, Leeds
The orchid meadow, 18 June 2022. There are a lot more orchids than you might think!