Monthly Archives: August 2009

Saturday 15 August 2009: Litter pick

In glorious sunshine, a record turn out of 20 Friends met at 10am in the carpark of Old Leo’s carpark. .

After taking a group photograph, we set off in different directions – some of us clearing the carpark of litter, some tidying up the litter which had accumulated on Crag Lane since our last litter pick, and the rest of us heading off in the direction of Adel Crag and Stairfoot Lane carpark.

By 11.45 we had gathered about 30 bags of litter, a plastic chair (out of the beck), a car wheel, and a large piece of yellow metal (about 5 feet by two feet in size).  This was in addition to 4 beer barrels which had been “flytipped” in the woods next to Crag Lane.

By this time it had started to spot with rain, and we made our way back to Old Leo’s.  By 12 it was throwing it down and about 10 of us sat down to a cup of tea and coffee, courtesy of Old Leo’s.

Over a hot drink I reported on my discussions on Friday with Steve Joul, and showed the group various maps of the woods which Leeds CC have provided. I reported that tasks which we can be getting on with are:  clearing paths which are becoming overgrown with holly; improving paths which become impassible in wet weather;  removing non-native plants, particularly Reed Sweetgrass, from the pond;  clearing Crag Lane; putting up bird boxes;  clearing the bank of the stream by Buckstone Grove.  Some of these tasks need special equipment, planning or money.  It was agreed that our next task will therefore be to clear paths which have become overgrown with holly. Litterpicking can be carried out at the same time as it is clear that litter is going to be an ongoing problem.

Thanks are due to everyone who took part.  Thanks are due to Fred who took most of our “booty” down to Meanswood Road tip.  Thanks are due to Leeds City Council for the loan of 10 litter pickers.  Thanks are due to Old Leo’s for the free tea and coffee.

Congratulations are due to David Hall who found the piece of yellow metal which is our  biggest piece of detritus so far.

Tuesday 4 August 2009: A walk round Adel Woods with Steve Joul

On a fine evening, Steve Joul, a senior countryside ranger with Leeds City Council, led a walk around the woods to enable us to discuss the kinds of tasks the Friends can do.  Here he is seen inspecting a patch of Japanese knot weed.

We also inspected the bog area, the flax weaver’s pond and Adel Heath.

After a very interesting and enjoyable evening, the Friends retired to Old Leo’s bar to enjoy the air and a relaxing drink.

By general agreement it was a great evening and our thanks go to Steve.  Thanks also to Old Leo’s for their hospitality.