Monthly Archives: May 2011

Saturday 14 May 2011: Is it a bird, is it a plane?

Well, actually, it was a blue tit!.

At 7.30 am, the hardier souls among us (Phil, Dave, Val, and your trusty reporter) met up with Steve Joul to survey the bird boxes put up by FOAW.  We surveyed the ones we put up in January 2010 – ie along Crag Lane  – and we saw birds using about half of them – including one trashed by a squirrel or squirrels).

As a postscript, on Sunday 15 May your trusty reporter walked down the Meanwood Valley Trail and can report that three out of four boxes observed were in use.  The fourth had been pulled apart by forces unknown

Saturday 14 May 2011: Pin ball lizard!

It’s amazing what you can find in Adel Woods if only you look.  Alan found this common lizard – for more information see this link:  Alan found the link too!

Saturday 14 May 2011: Out on the wiley, windy moors we’d roll and fall in green…

A morning clearing saplings

“You can get up now, it’s lunchtime!”

from Adel Moor, the last patch of original heathland in Leeds, and well worth preserving as a unique habitat for that reason alone.  Birch and oak saplings are encroaching on the moor, and killing off the heather and other moorland plants.  The birch saplings are particularly invasive – there are hundreds of small seedlings from an inch in size upwards.

You never know what you might find on the moor! Have a look at this!!!

Sunday 8 May 2011: Bird song walk.

Despite heavy rain earlier in the morning, a turn out of 16 at 7 am for the bird song walk with Steve Joul. It actually turned into a very pleasant morning.

Twenty one definite sightings or hearings:

Great tit;  robin;  blackbird;  collared dove;  wood pigeon;  wren;  coal tit;  chaffinch;  chiff chaff;  starling; pheasant;  carrion crow;  whitethroat;  blackcap;  dunnock;  long tailed tit;  jay;  magpie; song thrush;  willow warbler;  swift;

and one sighting – in the distance – of a red kite or buzzard.


Wednesday 4 May 2011: Annual General Meeting.

There was an excellent turnout for the AGM at the ACA.  The existing committee continues with the addition of Rob.  The officers remain:  Roger Gilbert, Chair;  Judith White, Treasurer;  Stephanie Clarke, Secretary.

We reviewed events over the last year, and the finances, and then settled down to conversation in the bar.