Monthly Archives: March 2019

Saturday, 16 March 2019: Litterpicking

Despite a dire weather forecast of heavy rain and strong winds for this morning, six of us turned out for this morning’s event. As it turned out, the rain stopped at about 10 am and the sun almost came out, and we had a very pleasant morning.

The plan was to work on Nanny Beck, but the very heavy rain overnight meant that this was not practical.

Nanny Beck at about 10.10 am on Saturday 16th March 2019

We decided to do a litter pick, and two of us set off to pick up litter around the cricket ground and Crag Lane – and picked up seven bags of litter!

The rest of us headed down to the Meanwood Valley trail. A few months ago we had spotted half a dozen charity bags, each filled with several hundred charity bags, dumped in the middle of some holly near Adel Bog, and an abandoned tent nearby in the middle of the woods and we thought that today would be a good opportunity to remove them.

After an intensive search for the charity bags we were unable to find them, so it seems likely that someone else has removed them from the woods. However we were able to find the abandoned tent which was in shreds.

It took us half an hour to gather up all the abandoned cans, bottles and general detritus and in the end we had thirteen bags of rubbish and two chairs.

So, as it turned out, it was a very successful morning: twenty bags of rubbish in two hours!