Monthly Archives: April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014: litterpicking crazy!

Despite less than 24 hours notice and heavy rain in the run up to 9.45 am, a crack team of ROLO’s (removal of litter operatives) joined your correspondent for  some heavy duty litter picking in the woods.


Star Wars litter sabres!

This seemed an excellent opportunity to try out our brand new ROLE’s (removal of litter equipment), purchased a month ago, and astoundingly, it turned out that the new equipment has a reach a good 6″  longer than the old!

As usual, the weather improved dramatically even before we set off into the woods, and although the sun did not shine on the righteous, nor did the heavens pour down upon them.  It was in fact a pleasant morning and – for the record – the weather has continued this afternoon to the extent that the sun is shining at the time of writing (3.27pm).

14-04-26-P1050229In the space of an hour, seven bags of litter were collected from the King Lane carpark, Crag Lane and the lane down to the Cricket Club.

The woods were looking lovely, a haze of bluebells colouring the undergrowth,  and resonated to the melody of birdsong – wrens, great tits and a greater spotted woodpecker amongst other songsters.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the woods next Sunday by joining Steve Joul on a birdsong walk from 7 am to 9 am.

14-04-26-P1050228 - Version 2

Saturday, 12 April 2014: litterpicking and moor clearing

14-04-12-P1050210Another lovely day in the woods.

Judith litter picked while a team of five of us continued with the work of clearing saplings from Adel Moor.

14-04-12-IMG_0385 - Version 2Early on, Andrew found a lizard pictured here. Your correspondent was surprised to find a lizard at this time of year on not the warmest of mornings. This is the viviparous or common lizard – viviparous because it can give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.  You can see that part of its tail is missing, which is not uncommon.

14-04-12-P1050212 - Version 2FOAW and other groups have made a great difference to the moor over the last five years and it is very gratifying to see lots of new heather springing up.  Click on any of the pictures to get a better view.

We will be working on the moor again later in the year.
