Monthly Archives: April 2019

Sunday, 14 April 2019: the Great British Springclean

Getting ready to go and shift some litter!

Today, Friends of Adel Woods joined in a Great British Spring Clean organised by the charity “Keep Britain Tidy” for the month from 22 March to 23 April 2019. We concentrated on picking up litter in the woods, while our friends in “Litter Free Adel” worked on Stairfoot Lane.

We had a great turn out of 10 Friends of Adel Woods, and we probably picked up 15 bags of litter. As a special reward, one of our Friends, Jen, on her way home, saw a deer in the field north of Crag Lane between Old Leo’s and the picnic area!

We met in Old Leo’s carpark and then set forth in a constellation of directions – some up to the north of the woods; some along Crag Lane and along the stream to the Slabbering Baby; some along Crag Lane to King Lane; some heading down to the cricket club. Your correspondent joined two Friends in picking up litter in the woods between the cricket ground and the village green and then working our way round the circumference of the green down to the bridge over Nanny Beck.

At Nanny Beck we were joined by a Geoff and Sylvia and while Sylvia and Brian picked up litter, Geoff and your correspondent cleared some of the branches which had fallen across and into the stream.

In the limited time available (30 minutes) we were able to remove a number of branches which had fallen across the stream, but not all. However, the stream did look a lot more open by the time we had finished.

Sizing up the job! We cleared all the branches across the stream except for the Y shaped trunk in bottom centre.