Monthly Archives: November 2018

Sunday, 25th November 2018: an ecological smorgasbord

An unappealing morning – wet and overcast – but a great turn out of 13 this morning.  Fortunately, it was not actually raining when we met in Buckstone Road at 10 am but there was a heavy shower from about 11.30 onwards.

We had a number of small jobs to do today.


A beautifully clear path through the copse

Three of our party,  went off litter picking.  Three went off with a broom, spade and loppers to clear the footpath on King Lane of leaves and encroaching Lonicera, and to clear the path through the copse opposite Tescos.


Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 18.57.41While these paths were being spruced up, another party were out clearing encroaching holly and other plants from paths – in particular, the path down to the Slabbering Baby from Buckstone Road, the Meanwood Valley trail,  and the path from the pond towards Stairfoot Bridge.  Oh, and they also cleared the Slabbering Baby of leaves.

At the same time, three of us cleared fallen leaves from the banks of the pond.  We cleared silt from the pond last month, but most of the leaves have come down from the trees since then and formed a thick carpet on the banks.  We moved very many leaves.

A very successful morning with a very special group of volunteers!  Here are some of them!













Saturday, 24 November 2018: Adel Pond

When we were working on the pond last month, we discovered that the wooden bridge over the outflow sluice was rotten.

When reconnoitring the woods today to see what work we will do tomorrow, we discovered that Steve Joul and his Friday volunteers had repaired the bridge and taken the opportunity to repair one of the steps down from Stairfoot Lane car park to the stream.

Thanks, Steve and your team!
