Monthly Archives: May 2015

Saturday 16 May 2015: Adel Moor

15-05-16-P1060934A wonderful turn out of about a dozen of us to litter pick and to clear saplings from the moor.

All the hard work of the last few years by FOAW and by various other groups who have worked on the moor is now bearing in fruit: there are a lot fewer established saplings to clear, and much of the work can be done by pulling up seedlings of a couple of years old.  Between us we 15-05-16-P1060945probably removed several hundred seedlings and saplings.

The weather was fine and it was a really enjoyable morning.

15-05-16-P1060955Your correspondent kept an eye open for a lizard scampering away through the undergrowth, but the crafty critters laid low.  Better luck next time!

Having completed work on the moor, your correspondent and Steph went off to clear away a tree which had fallen over a path.  As is often the case, what seemed to be a five minute job, turned into a forty minute one, but we had the satisfaction of knowing that we had improved the lives of the dog walkers of Alwoodley.


Thursday 14th May 2015: Annual General Meeting

15-05-14-P1060928There was a good turn out at Old Leo’s bar for our AGM, and the Chair took the opportunity to show the new pond gloves which should have arrived in time for our event on 19 April.  The minutes of the 2014 AGM were approved, and the Chair and Treasurer gave their reports.  The Chair’s report is set out below.  The Treasurer reported that we are in a good financial position for the foreseeable future.

Nominations for officers and committee took place, the following being the result:

Chair:  Roger Gilbert;   Treasurer:  Judith White

Secretary: Stephanie Clarke   Auditor: David Hall

Committee (in addition to the above, and in no particular order):

Rob Hall;   David Smith;   David Hampshire;  Tom Swire;   Brian Joyce

Thank you to everyone who attended.  Thank you to all the officers and committee members who have served last year and volunteered to serve this coming year.  Thank you finally to Old Leo’s Rugby Club for letting us use their bar for the AGM.

The Chair’s report

It has been another varied, interesting and enjoyable year.

If you have not had a look at the blog, I think that it is well worth doing so. I find it amazing how much we have done together, and I get very happy feelings looking at the pictures and reading the reports of our achievements.


We have two kinds of events: the tasks (the playing out in the woods events) and the educational events (the playing out in the woods events!). In both, we are incredibly lucky to be supported in what we do by Steve Joul, senior ranger with Leeds CC.

Educational/social events

There have been three of these over the last year:

Wildflower walk

A wildflower walk led by Steve Joul. I missed this as I was on holiday, but it was a great success, attended by 15 adults and a number of children. Over 70 species of flowers were spotted.

Adel Bunker

Last June, one of our members generously gave the opportunity to visit the mythical Adel Bunker and about 16 of us took the opportunity. It was a very interesting visit and we are very grateful to our member. Contrary to myth, it was not a nuclear bunker or anything similar: it was built by one of the Leeds Building Societies in WWII to store deeds!

Birdsong walk

Steve Joul led a birdsong walk last Sunday. However, unusually, the weather was not kind and it rained persistently. Whilst human beings were out and about, most of the birds decided to pull the duvet over their heads and stay at home. It was also very difficult to hear the birds over the drumming of raindrops on leaves.

Nevertheless, in a sense, the event was a great success: 9 people attended despite the fact that it was raining persistently, proving that the Friends of Adel Woods love their birdsong.


14-04-26-P1050225Firstly, there has been our regular litterpicking whose importance cannot be overstated. Litterpicking makes a huge difference to the woods – for example, in January we collected 10 bags of litter in an hour and in our last two tasks we collected about 26 bags of litter in all! I haven’t kept a tally but we must have picked up well over 60 bags of litter over the year.

Adel Moor

14-08-09-P1050912Over the last year we have had two mornings working on Adel Moor (May and August) and – in conjunction with the other groups who work on the moor – we are now seeing a huge improvement – a lot of the young saplings have gone and there is lots of new heather coming up. I know that Steve Joul is very pleased indeed with the progress that is being made.

Path improvements

14-08-30-P1050961Path clearance has been another regular task. Over the last year Friends have worked on improving paths – clearing mud, cutting back branches and removing fallen trees – on 6 occasions.

Adel Bog

Bog Asphodel

Bog Asphodel

In 2011 BTCV cleared a lot of purple moor grass from Adel Bog, paid for in part by Leeds CC and the Parish Council. We have continued that work – removing a lot of large birch trees around the perimeter and clearing a lot of encroaching vegetation such as brambles which were slowly turning the bog into dry land. We spent one morning last June clearing brambles and the work is definitely paying off: bog plants are returning and I was pleased to see last year that a flag iris had appeared.

Nest boxes

It's a long way down!

It’s a long way down!

We had two days out in January surveying the nest boxes and the good news is that they were almost all used. You can feel pleased that there is a good chance that the great tits and blue tits in the woods were reared in a FOAW nestbox!

The Buck Stone

P1060703Three years ago we did two days work on the Buck Stone and made it accessible to the public again. on 21 March we spent a further day clearing brambles and bracken and there are some fine pictures on the blog.

The hospice woodland



We had one session working on the Hospice Woodland with Steve Joul – thinning out the trees as they have been planted too close together. A very enjoyable and productive morning

Adel Pond

14-09-21-P1060100Adel Pond is one of our regular jobs now. In September 6 of us got down and dirty clearing silt out of the pond and we made a big difference. It is looking great at the moment.

Nanny Beck

15-04-19-P1060786We had our second Nanny Beck event this Spring when in April we cleared a lot of the debris and rubbish from Nanny Beck.

The Christmas Garlands:

P1040976_2_2We had another session making Christmas garlands for sale to raise funds and we raised about £100.


Currently, we have sufficient funds to meet our expenses.

The future

We will be publishing our calendar of forthcoming events shortly. We will be having the usual variety of tasks. Our next event is this Saturday the 16th May when we will be litterpicking and working on Adel Moor!

We have plans for a number of educational or social events. On Sunday 14 June, Alan Yarker, who is a local small holder will give a talk to Friends, and following that Steve will lead volunteers in surveying a meadow on Alan’s smallholding.

We will be having a bat walk in August and a tree walk with Steve Joul in October.


So in summary, I would just like to end by thanking all the people we need to thank for supporting us over the last year.

First of all, I would like to thank Steve Joul for all the support – and tuition – he has given us over the year.

I would like to thank Alwoodley Parish Council and our local city councillors for their financial support and encouragement.

I really must thank Tony and Old Leo’s for letting us use their facilities for making the Christmas garlands and have our AGM here. Please after the meeting, can you please drink as much as you can so that they’ll have us again!

I would like to thank our committee and officers for all their support and hard work over the year.

And finally, I would like to thank all our wonderful Friends – whether here or absent – for the hard work you have all put in over the year. I hope that tonight’s summary has reminded you of some happy mornings or evenings and shown you that you have all made a fantastic improvement to the state of Adel Woods and to our local community.

Thank you!

Sunday, 3 May 2015: “Birdsi-i-inging in the rain! Bird singing in the rain!”

15-05-03-P1060845It was not an auspicious start to International Dawn Chorus day:  more like “International Downpouring Day”! Nevertheless, nine people joined Steve Joul in Old Leo’s carpark for our annual birdsong walk.  One, our treasurer, was suffering from the lurgi and left after collecting contributions to the running of FOAW.  And then there were eight.

The triumph of hope over experience

The triumph of hope over experience

We set off into the woods to the north of Old Leo’s clubhouse.  Steve soon found some interesting fungi and we sighted a greater spotted woodpecker,  but it was not a great morning for birdsong.  Most of our local birds clearly had more sense than the birdspotters and sheltered at home.  When they did sing, it was hard to hear them over the constant hammering of the rain.

15-05-03-P1060848We continued up to the Hospice Woodland, through Alwoodley Plantation and down to the beginning of Crag Lane, before returning to the rugby club carpark.  As we went, the numbers slowly dwindled in the persistent downpour until there were only five of us when we threw in the towel at 8.30am.

Despite the challenging conditions, we enjoyed our walk and were able to spot or hear the following:  wood pigeon; robin; crow; greater spotted woodpecker; great tit; blue tit; chaffinch; blackbird; bullfinch; blackcap; and nuthatch (we usually spot or hear over twenty species).

Respect to the people who were camping in the fields for Old Leo’s rugby sevens and beer festival – and to those cycling in the final day of the first Tour de Yorkshire!
