Monthly Archives: November 2016

Saturday, 19 November 2016: Litterpicking and Path clearing


It was rather wet and cold first thing this morning, but fortunately, the weather brightened up by 10 am for FOAW’s task.

Despite the cold and wet (and despite a number of apologies for other reasons) we had a turn out of five keen friends.  Barbara litter picked, while the rest of us headed up to the northern most part of the woods to clear paths.

16-11-19-p1080954We started off at one of the paths leading down from Stairfoot Lane, removing nettles and brambles and, near the entrance from the road, cutting back some overhanging branches to make things easier for horse riders.

We then returned to the path leading at right angles from Crag Lane up towards the hospice woodland, adjacent to the rugby practice field.  There we cleared more nettles and brambles in addition to cutting back encroaching holly.

Two hours of hard work enabled us to make a significant improvement where we worked.
