Monthly Archives: September 2016

Saturday, 24th September 2016: Pteridium Aquilinum bashing on Adel Moor: three strikes and you’re out

We had our third session of bracken bashing today, led by Steve Joul.  Your correspondent is unable to report because he was on holiday.

Here is a message from Steve in advance of the meet:

Just to clarify what I hope we can achieve, I intend to pull up bracken, put it into wheelbarrows and wheel it to our composting area. The more we get done the better for the future of Adel Moor.

Here’s a chant I just thought of that we can sing while we work.

“Here in Adel there’s not much moor,
So we’re pulling up the bracken so there’s not much more!”

Here is a report from our deputy bracken bashing correspondent:

We had about half a dozen turn up.
Steve wanted to remove the bracken that had been bashed in case it was smothering other plants.
We ended up moving wheelbarrow loads of previously bashed bracken to compost sites under the trees.
Also some bracken was pulled up where it was growing amongst some heather.
There were just two of us bashing bracken.

Unfortunately, the saplings appear to be thriving, so we should remove these when we can.

Whether any singing took place is not recorded.  Nor are there photographs of the events in question.