Sunday, 9th June 2024: litter picking and working on Adel Moor

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Moor, Leeds, on 9th June 2024
Adel Moor on 9th June 2024 – two Friends of Adel Woods in the distance

Another lovely morning spent in Adel Woods, litter picking and working on Adel Moor with David Preston our local Parks and Countryside ranger.

We had one person litter picking today, and she gathered one and a half bags of rubbish.

Six of us worked on the moor with David, focusing on the bottom or western end.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Moor on the 9th June 2024

We had a very successful morning on the moor, cutting back tree branches from around the edge of the moor to give the heather a chance to thrive, and removing saplings and seedlings – a job made much easier with the use of our own and the council’s tree poppers. For more information about the work we have been doing on Adel Moor, see our blog entry for Saturday 25th May.

Friends of Adel Woods working on Adel Moor on 9th June 2024
David Preston with four happy Friends of Adel Woods


Friends of Adel Woods were formed in 2009 to help maintain Adel Woods and encourage people to enjoy them. We meet one weekend morning a month to carry out various jobs or ”work parties”, and we also put on educational events.  We are a very friendly group and welcome new members who want to help preserve our special woods, enjoy fresh air and exercise in the woods and make new friends. If you would like to take part in our activities, just come along to one of our work parties or get in touch by leaving a comment on this website.

Our next events

Our next work party will be on Saturday the 20th July when we will be litterpicking and clearing scrub from around the Buck Stone. Details of the meeting place will be given on the homepage of our website shortly and via our email mailing list shortly.

Our next educational event will be on Sunday the 21st July from 2 to 4 pm, when Steve Joul, our expert naturalist, will be leading a stream and pond life safari. Again, more information will be given on our website and via our email mailing list.

Both of these events are suitable for children, provided that they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Friends of Adel Woods and Adel Moor.
Adel Moor on 9th June 2024: bilberries in the foreground, and heather in the background.

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